Why Choose Laser Treatment
For Acne Scars
& Acne Hyperpigmented Spots?

Skin products (serums, gels, creams, etc.), antibiotics, microdermabrasion, and chemical peels cannot eradicate acne pimples and their complications, such as acne scars and hyperpigmented spots.
Accutane (Isotretinoin) or Roaccutane is an effective acne treatment, but it comes with serious side effects.
The right laser treatment combined with properly chosen medico-aesthetic products and medications is ideal for effectively combatting this widespread skin disease.
Skin Products
Skin Products
Cannot Eradicate Acne
Skin products, like creams, gels, ointments and serums have proved to be ineffective in eradicating acne due to their limited penetration into the skin. This is the reason that has triggered the search for alternative treatment methods, such as various laser, microneedling & radiofrequency treatments that could reach the deeper skin layers where the acne pathological processes are taking place.

Antibiotics are ineffective in controlling
or eradicating acne
Antibiotics have proved ineffective in controlling or eradicating acne. Acne patients are often wrongly recommended to take antibiotics for long periods—from a few months to a few years. Such long-term intakes of antibiotics cause serious side effects.
Antibiotics may decrease acne, yet as soon as one stops taking them, acne outbreaks intensify once again.
Microdermabrasion is not an effective treatment for acne as it only addresses superficial skin concerns.
Microdermabrasion is a procedure that exfoliates and removes the superficial layer of dry, dead skin cells known as stratum corneum. Hence, microdermabrasion buffs and polishes the superficial skin surface using a stream of fine crystals or a diamond tip. It does not reach the lower parts of the epidermis and the deeper dermal layer of the skin where acne disease elements develop, hence not making it a treatment of choice.

Chemical Peels
Chemical Peels bring partial relief to acne manifestations but cannot eliminate them.
Chemical peels may give temporary results in acne treatment, especially in genetically determined cases.
Chemical peels might themselves become the cause of scars by literally popping your freaking pimples and getting all the cumulated sebum out, and popping leads to scarring.
After chemical peeling, the skin becomes more photo-sensitive, i.e., it will tend to turn darker quickly when exposed to sunlight. So, it's better to use a high-SPF sunscreen and stay away from sunlight.
Accutane (Isotretinoin)
Although Accutane (Isotretinoin) or Roaccutane can provide significant clearing results for acne, it is strongly advised to avoid this risky medication due to its numerous severe side effects.
Accutane (isotretinoin) or Roaccutane was discovered in 1979 when it was first given to patients with severe acne, most reacted with dramatic and permanent clearing of their acne symptoms. Accutane is a vitamin A derivative (13-cis-retinoic acid) administered orally in pill form with a meal containing an adequate amount of fat, normally for 15-20 weeks (3.5-4.5 months), although it is also sometimes prescribed at lower dosages for up to six (6) months or longer. It was originally recommended to people with severe acne that did not respond to other treatments, but has gained in popularity in the past 25 years and is prescribed more and more frequently for less severe acne. This practice is controversial because Accutane is a systemic medication that affects every bodily system and can cause lifelong side effects to the user. Accutane need not be paired with other medications.

Exactly how Accutane works on a cellular level is unknown but we do know that it affects four ways that acne develops.
It dramatically reduces the size of the skin's oil glands (35%-58%) and even more dramatically reduces the amount of oil these glands produce (around 80%).
Acne bacteria (P. acnes) live in skin oil. Since oil is dramatically reduced, so is the amount of acne bacteria in the skin.
It slows down how fast the skin produces skin cells inside the pore, which helps pores from becoming clogged in the first place.
It has anti-inflammatory properties.

Aesthetic Laser Medicine offers an effective solution for treating acne vulgaris, scars, and hyperpigmented spots. It helps you attain clearer and more beautiful skin.
Over the past six decades, lasers have been extensively developed to effectively treat various health issues. When it comes to treating acne and its related complications, such as acne scars and hyperpigmented spots, the most effective treatments available today are provided by the following lasers:
Pixel CO2 Laser (Alma Lasers)
iPixel Erbium YAG Laser (Alma Lasers)
Clear Skin Erbium Glass Laser (Alma Lasers)
Clear Lift Laser (Alma Lasers)

After one Pixel CO2 laser treatment session
After your first treatment session, you'll notice that there are already tangible results. Your skin will continue to regenerate and repair until the next session, which is usually scheduled a month later. Typically, outstanding results can be achieved after 5 to 10 sessions, but it ultimately depends on the severity of your acne complications, your skin's reaction, and how well you take care of your skin between treatment sessions.
Treating yourself to smooth, healthy skin without scars is how you should visualize your laser treatment. Removing your acne scars with Pixel Laser Treatments will also help you attenuate your acne hyperpigmented spots.
Pixel lasers are the latest high-tech medical advances in aesthetic dermatology, and they are most effective when used by well-trained medical laser specialists.

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