Becker's Naevus
The naevus is due to an overgrowth of the epidermis, melanocytes (pigment cells), and hair follicles.
Becker's naevus was first documented in two young men with acquired melanosis and hypertrichosis in 1948 by Dr Samuel William Becker, an American dermatologist (1894–1964). Since then, this condition of melanosis has been termed Becker's naevus.
Becker's Naevus
At VIP Laser Clinic Med Spa, we use Alma Lasers' most advanced laser technologies, enabling us to effectively treat a variety of skin conditions, including Becker's Naevus. we have the knowledge and state-of-the-art technology to help you attain healthy, radiant skin. Our highly skilled professionals are committed to providing personalized care to each of our patients and ensuring that they receive top-notch treatment.